Electromagnetic Compatibility/Electromagnetic Field. Research and Development in Romania.

Autor: Andrei Marinescu (coordonator)
Editura: A.G.I.R.
Seria: Electrotehnica - Electroenergetica
Format: 21x29 cm
Nr. pagini: 234
Coperta: brosata
ISBN: 978-973-720-521-6
Anul aparitiei: 2014
Cu ani in urma, aveam cinstea de a prefata aparitia “Buletinului ACER”, un mesager al unei tinere Asociatii de Compatibilitate care-si propunea ca intr-un domeniu stiintific deosebit de complex din punct de vedere stiintific si util din cel al aplicatiilor ingineresti, sa devina o tribuna de informare a specialistilor din acest domeniu, de implicare a acestora in comunicarea unor lucrari proprii, a unor rezultate.
Dar nu numai astea erau obiectivele propuse! Se dorea ca specialistii romani sa participe la standardizarea in domeniu, sa se stabileasca punti de colaborare intre centre stiintifice din tara, bucurandu-ma de fiecare data atunci cand la Brasov, Bucuresti, Cluj, Craiova, Galati, Iasi, Timisoara si Suceava, apareau noi nume care prin lucrarile dezvoltate se asociau domeniului, sau atunci cand noi laboratoare incepeau sa se constituiasca. Si poate un alt lucru important de mentionat: O deschidere mai putin intalnita la noi, aceea de colegiala colaborare, de active schimburi de idei si rezultate, care au dat Asociatiei o “patina de vin vechi”.
Dupa 15 ani de activitate, in care ACER se situeaza in randul celor mai profesioniste asociatii ingineresti din tara, Asociatia se poate mandri ca visurile cu care a pornit la drum au devenit realitati, ca ea este apreciata in tara si strainatate ca Chapter al IEEE, ca activitatile sale sunt cunoscute si apreciate de multi.
Astazi sunt in situatia ca, dupa atatia ani de la prima interventie a mea, sa-mi indrept privirea si sa prefatez o lucrare care de aceasta data nu cuprinde intentii, ci reprezinta rodul palpabil al activitatii stiintifice a unor oameni care in decursul anilor au lucrat cu pasiune si pot comunica lucrari stiintifice de tinuta, cu numeroase elemente de originalitate si apreciate de comunitatea stiintifica a domeniului.
Lucrarea pe care ACER isi propune sa o editeze: EMC/EMF Research and Development in Romania, este rezultatul cercetarilor desfasurate de membrii sai in domeniul compatibilitatii electromagnetice si trateaza un spectru larg de probleme incepand cu problema Teoriei si exprimentelor (cap. 1) continuand cu Ecranarea electromagnetica (cap. 2), Educatie (cap. 3), Expunerea la radiatii (cap. 4), Laboratoare de testare si calibrare (cap. 5), Standardizare (cap. 6).
Insasi structura lucrarii este realizata cu o logica inginereasca in sensul ca problemele teoretice sunt legate de experiment, ca ecranarea este un factor esential in incercari si testari derulate in laboratoare. Nu sunt omise de la aceasta abordare problemele generate de expunerea echipamentelor si componentelor la radiatii electromagnetice, dupa cum problema educatiei si transferul de cunostinte in domeniu ca si standardizarea, completeaza in mod fericit abordarea conceptului de compatibilitate magnetica. O carte care in cele 6 capitole ale sale, cumuleaza 45 de lucrari la care mai bine de 80 de autori si coautori comunica rezultate nu “din carti” ci din propriile experiente, cu egale valente atat in plan stiintific cat si in cel practic ingineresc, in transferul de cunostinte.
Aparitia lucrarii lui AJ Schwab in Romania - “Compatibilitate Electromagnetica“ - intr-o excelenta traducere a presedintelui ACER prof.dr.ing. Andrei Marinescu, este urmata de aceasta data de o contributie romaneasca care se alatura primei in procesul de insusire si promovare a conceptelor legate de compatibilitatea electromagnetica in aplicatii teoretice si practice.
Academia de Stiinte Tehnice din Romania isi exprima gratitudinea si sincera apreciere pentru initiativa ACER de a publica aceasta lucrare care dovedeste ca in Romania se formeaza o autentica scoala, este bucuroasa ca in randul autorilor se afla membri de onoare straini si membri romani ai sai considerand ca prin aceasta aparitie a lucrarii si romanii pot “spune ceva”!
Prof. dr. ing. Florin Teodor TANASESCU
Vicepresedinte al Academiei de Stiinte Tehnice din Romania (ASTR)
Presedinte al Comitetului Electrotehnic Roman (CER)
Years ago, I had the honor to preface the appearance of “ACER Bulletin”, a messenger of a young Electromagnetic Compatibility Association, which aimed, in a scientifically extremely complex and useful field from the area of engineering applications, to become a platform for informing the specialists in this field, for involving them in the communication of some own works and results.
But the proposed objectives were not only these! It was a wish that the Romanian specialists to participate in the standardization in the field, to establish cooperation bridges between scientific centers in the country, and I enjoyed every time when in Brasov, Bucuresti, Cluj, Craiova, Galati, Iasi, Timisoara and Suceava, new names appeared, which by their developed works have associated to the field, or when new laboratories began to be achieved. And perhaps another important thing should be noted: an opening less common to us, that one of collegial cooperation, of active exchanges of ideas and results, which gave to the association a “patina of old wine”.
After 15 years of activity since ACER stands among the most professional engineering associations in the country, the Association may be proud that the dreams with which started out became realities, that is appreciated in the country and abroad, created Romanian EMC Chapter- IEEE and its activities are well known and appreciated by many.
Today I am in the situation that after so many years from my first intervention, to cast my eyes and to preface a work that this time does not comprises intentions, but represents the tangible fruit of the scientific activity carried out by people who over the years have worked with passion and can communicate high quality papers, with many elements of originality and appreciated by the scientific community in the field.
The work that ICMET proposes to edit: “EMC/EMF Research and Development in Romania”, is the result of the researches developed by its members in the field of electromagnetic compatibility and treats a wide range of problems starting with Theory and experiments (chapter1) continuing with Electromagnetic shielding (chapter 2), Education (chapter 3), Exposure to radiations (chapter 4), Testing and calibration laboratories (chapter 5), Standardization (chapter 6).
The book structure itself is made with an engineering logic, i.e. the theoretical problems are related to experiment and the shielding is an essential factor in the current technique. In this approach, the problems generated by the exposure of living beings and equipment to electromagnetic radiations are not omitted, and the problem of education and knowledge transfer in the field and also standardization complete happily the approach of the electromagnetic compatibility concept. A work that in its 6 chapters gathers 45 papers in which more than 80 authors and co-authors communicate results not “from books”, but from their own experiences, with equal valences both in science and practical engineering, in knowledge transfer.
Appearance in this year, in Romania, of the last edition of Professor AJ Schwab treatise - “Electromagnetic Compatibility”, in an excellent translation of ACER president, Prof.dr.eng. Andrei Marinescu, is followed this time by a Romanian contribution which joins to the first one in the process of learning and promoting the concepts related to electromagnetic compatibility in theoretical and practical applications.
Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences expresses its gratitude and sincere appreciation for ACER initiative to publish this work proving that in Romania an authentic school is forming; it is glad that that among the authors there are honorary members from abroad and Romanian members, considering that by this appearance of the book, also Romanians can ”say something”!
Prof. dr. eng. Florin Teodor TANASESCU
Vice-president of Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences (ASTR)
President of Romanian Electrotechnical Committee (CER)
Andrei Marinescu, ACER foundation and its role in developing the electromagnetic compatibility in Romania ... 9
Michel Ianoz, Scientific collaboration between the EMC group of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and ACER ... 25
Radu Enescu, Disturbances, interferences, harmful interference ... 27
Adrian Marian Matoi, Elena Helerea, Livia Sangeorzan, Characterization of electromagnetic environment using statistical methods ... 46
Mihai Enache, Dan Stoica, Anca Stoica, Electromagnetic signature of electrical and electronic equipment signal sources ... 52
Valeriu David, Ionut Nica, On the Electromagnetic Inteference Control and Measurement ... 56
Mihaela Morega, Alexandru Mihail MOREGA, Numerical simulation for dosimetric analysis of EMF interaction with human body ... 60
Adina Racasan, C. Munteanu, V. Topa, Claudia Pacurar, Claudia Hebedean, HF integrated LC structure behavior analysis using the Generalized Transmission Lines Model ... 65
C. Munteanu, V. Topa, M. Purcar, Gh. Mates, Analysis of the electromagnetic interferences between HV OHL and buried metallic pipelines ... 71
Claudia Pacurar, V. Topa, Adina Racasan, C. Munteanu, Claudia Hebedean, Printed Circuits boards and multi-chip modules high frequency inductance computation ... 77
Edmond Vasile Moldovan, Paul Bechet, Simona Miclaus, Study regarding the interferences in VHF and UHF networks ... 81
Jana Pintea, Cristian Morari, Ionut Balan, Elena Chitanu, Valentina Elena Stoian, Composite materials based on silicone rubber used for electromagnetic shielding ... 86
Mihai Badic, Shielding effectiveness determination for conductive electromagnetic slab ... 89
Andrei Marinescu, Adrian Vintila, George Mihai, Metallic and architectural shielded rooms developed by ICMET - Craiova ... 95
Mircea Popescu, Considerations regarding minimum level of attenuation of TEMPEST architectural shielding ... 102
Chapter 3. EDUCATION
Mihai Octavian Popescu, Interdisciplinary Workshop on EMC - Short history; time and people ... 108
Sorin Coatu, Marian Costea, Ileana Baran, Dan Rucinschi, Tudor Leonida, Scientific research, technological development and education in the field of electromagnetic compatibility at the Power Engineering Department of “Politehnica” University of Bucharest ... 109
Alexandru Salceanu, Eduard Lunca, Oana Beniuga, Oana Neacsu, Silviu Ursache, Marius Paulet, Works and Walks in ESD, developed at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering ... 112
Cristian Goiceanu, Razvan Danulescu, Eugenia Danulescu, Electromagnetic Field Exposure & Measurement Facilities at National Institute of Public Health, Regional Center Iasi ... 120
A. M. Matoi, R. Musat, M. D. Calin, EMC aspects regarding air conditioning and climate control system of the vehicle ... 124
A. M. Matoi, E. Helerea, Electromagnetic Environment And Pollution ...130
Andreea Voina, Georgeta Alecu, Brandusa Pantelimon, Cell Phone And Human Health ... 136
Annamaria Paljanos, Simona Miclaus, A preliminary study on the electromagnetic radiation emission of some military radio equipment under the viewpoint of human protection issue ... 140
Miuta Carmina Rau, Researches In Biomagnetic Measurements. Summary of Ph. D. Thesis ... 145
Octavian Baltag, Microwave Radiometry Noninvasively Method for Early Detection of the Breast Cancer ... 151
Octavian Baltag, Miuta Rau, Ion Rau, Doina Costandache, Anca Iftemie, Silvana Ojica, Recording of the First Magnetocardiogram in Romania .... 155
Virgil Lucanu, Mihail-Liviu Cosereanu, Petre Voicu, Cosmin Smetana, Measuring the exposure level of the human body to radiofrequency fields from multiple sources ... 159
C. Munteanu, E. Merdan, V. Topa, Mittigation of the Magnetig Field Nearby Power Lines with Rectangular Frames ... 162
C. Munteanu, I. T. Pop, V. Topa, Adina Racasan, Analysis of the Electric Field Distribution in HV Substations belonging to the Romanian TSO Company ... 167
Ileana Baran, Marian Costea, Assessing Exposure To Electric And Magnetic Fields In Occupational Environment ... 172
Andrei Marinescu, Aurelia Scornea, About the Development of a Calibration Laboratory for RF Electromagnetic Field Probes and Monitors ... 178
Jana Pintea, Laboratory of Electromagnetic Compatibility - INCDIE ICPE-CA ... 184
Octavian Baltag, Bioelectromagnetism Laboratory of Faculty of Medical Bioengineering, Iasi ... 186
Eugen Coca, CERTELAB - Electromagnetic Compatibility Research Laboratory EN 17025/2005 accredited laboratory ... 188
Andrei Marinescu, Aurelia Scornea, George Mihai, Ileana Baran, Sorin Coatu, Marian Costea, Dan Rucinschi, Vasile Cristea, Tudor Leonida, Alimpie Ignea, Adrian Constantinescu, Disturbance receivers testing and calibration - possible to be performed in Romania today! ... 189
Andrei Marinescu, Aurelia Scornea, George Mihai, Ileana Baran, Sorin Coatu, Dan Rucinschi, Alimpie Ignea, Adrian Constantinescu, On the estimation of the measurement uncertainty of radiofrequency conducted electromagnetic emissions ... 192
Cristian Stanoi, Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory LABOREX 2000 SRL ... 196
Andrei Marinescu, Determination of the radiated electromagnetic power generated by mobile terminals - a technology certified in Romania ... 197
Dan Benea, The first EMC laboratory belonging to a Romanian SME ... 208
Jana Pintea, Andrei Marinescu, Mihaela Morega, Current Aspects and Trends in Standardization, with reference to General Exposure in Near Field Electromagnetic Radiation ... 212
Alimpie Ignea, Some Aspects Regarding the Implementation of EMC Standards in Timisoara ... 218
Andrei Marinescu, EMF Regulations for Contactless Energy Transfer ... 220
Adrian Dan, The role of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) in the electromagnetic compatibility field ... 225
Sorin Coatu, Dan Rucinschi Present stage of EMC standardization applicable to electric power installations ... 227
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