Istoria ilustrata a industriei de petrol si gaze naturale din Romania. Illustrated History of Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry in Romania.
Autor: Gheorghe Stanescu | Mihail Minescu | Dragos Gabriel Zisopol | Catalin Razvan Nita
Editura: A.G.I.R.
Format: 17x24 cm
Nr. pagini: 68 color
Coperta: brosata
ISBN: 978-973-720-881-1
Anul aparitiei: 2022
Editie bilingva romana-engleza
Expozitia „Petrolul si gazele naturale romanesti - istorie in imagini”, a fost realizata in cadrul Proiectului cu acelasi titlu initiat de Academia de Stiinte Tehnice din Romania - Sectia X - Ingineria Petrolului, Minelor si Geonomiei si desfasurat sub egida Comisiei de Stiinta si Tehnologie din Camera Deputatilor, fiind vernisata in ziua de 17 mai 2022 la Palatul Parlamentului. Aceasta cuprinde 33 de postere format 1500 x 1000 mm si prezinta inceputurile extractiei si prelucrarii titeiului si gazelor naturale in Romania, pozitia si rolul tarii noastre in timpul celor doua Razboaie Mondiale, precum si situatia actuala a acestei industrii.
Imaginile (carti postale, ilustrate, fotografii, documente, actiuni), unele foarte rare, insotite de explicatii succinte, strict necesare, sunt o chemare la cunoasterea acestei etape istorice de modernizare a Romaniei din ultimul secol si jumatate. Prin saltul de la manufacturier la tehnic declansat in anul 1857 de construirea primei rafinarii pentru producerea petrolului lampant la Ploiesti, avalansa rafinariilor, a metrilor forati, a prospectiunilor geologice, a inovatiilor tehnice, a capitalului, a productiei in crestere spectaculoasa pana in 1900. au pozitionat industria petroliera romaneasca in varful ierarhiei mondiale. Petrolul, si ulterior gazele naturale, au constituit suportul esential al modernizarii societatii romanesti in perioada interbelica.
Dupa cea de a doua conflagratie mondiala tara noastra a revenit in elita din domeniul petrolului si gazelor naturale atat prin realizarile din petrochimie, dar mai ales prin echipamentele petroliere si petrochimice produse si exportate cu marca Made in Romania, devenite veritabile branduri mondiale.
Specialistii romani sau straini, formati in Romania, au dezvoltat industrii de petrol si gaze in multe tari din lume.
Imaginile prezinta aspecte din industria de extractie si prelucrare a petrolului si gazelor naturale si au un triplu scop:
- sa ne reaminteasca de trecutul tumultuos al acestor industrii in care Romania a avut un rol predominant la nivel mondial;
- sa prezinte sintetic, celor care vor sa studieze in domeniul petrolului si gazelor naturale, evolutia in timp a acestuia si importanta lui pentru Romania;
- sa aduca un omagiu petrolistilor, tuturor celor care au contribuit si contribuie la dezvoltarea acestei industrii, componenta importanta a sistemului energetic national.
Imaginile prezentate prin intermediul celor 33 de postere sunt selectate din trei albume lansate in ultimii 5 ani: „Petrolul romanesc -160 de ani de istorie ilustrata” (autori: Gheorghe Stanescu, Gabriel Octavian Nicolae si Mihail Minescu), „Gaz de Romania - istorie ilustrata” (autori: Gheorghe Stanescu, Mihail Minescu si Catalin Nita) si „Petrolul si gazele naturale romanesti - istorie in imagini (autori: Gheorghe Stanescu, Mihail Minescu, Dragos Zisopol si Catalin Nita)
Aceasta lucrare induce ideea necesitatii relansarii industriei de petrol si gaze naturale romanesti ca parte componenta a strategiei nationale energetice.
Autorii le multumesc tuturor celor care au contribuit si isi vor aduce aportul la dezvoltarea proiectului cu titlul „Petrolul si gazele naturale romanesti - istorie in imagini”, initiat de Academia de Stiinte Tehnice din Romania - Scena X - Ingineria Petrolului, Minelor si Geonomiei, desfasurat sub egida Comisiei de Stiinta si Tehnologic din Camera Deputatilor.
The exhibition entitled „Romanian Petroleum and Natural Gas - a History in Images” was organised within the Project initiated by the Technical Sciences Academy of Romania, Section/Unit X - Petroleum, Mining and Geonomy Engineering and it was held under the aegis of the Science and Technology Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, at the Palace of Parliament, on 17 May 2022. The exhibition includes 33 posters in 1500 x 1000 mm format and it introduces the outset of oil and natural gas drilling and processing in Romania, our country’s position and role during the two World Wars, as well as the current situation of this industry.
The images (illustrated postcards, photos, documents, stock), some of which are very rare, accompanied by brief, however necessary explanations. represent a powerful call for the exploration of this historic stage of Romania`s modernization in the last centuries. Owing to the leap from the manufacturing process to technical advances which occurred in 1857 as a result of the first petroleum refinery built in Ploiesti, the avalanche of refineries, drilled areas, geological prospecting, technical innovations, the upsurge in capital and production until 1900, the Romanian petroleum industry ranked among the first countries in the world hierarchy.
Petroleum, followed by natural gas, supported the modernization of the interwar Romanian society.
After the Second World War, Romania was once again part of the elite in the field of petroleum and gas owing to its achievements in petrochemistry, but especially as a result of the petroleum and petrochemical equipment that was produced and exported with the label Made in Romania, thus becoming a real world brand.
Romanian researchers or foreign specialists trained in Romania contributed to the development of petroleum and gas industries in many countries in the world.
The images that depict certain aspects of the petroleum and natural gas drilling and processing industry pursue a triple aim:
- to remind us of the turbulent past of these industries in which Romania had a prominent role in the world;
- to provide those who are willing to study in the field of petroleum and gas with a synthetic presentation of their evolution, development and importance to Romania;
- to pay homage to the petroleum engineers and to all those who contributed and still contribute to the development of this industry, the main constituent of the national energetic system.
The images included within the 33 posters of the exhibition have been selected from three albums that have been launched in the last five years, namely: „Romanian Petroleum - 160 years of illustrated history” (Gheorghe Stanescu, Gabriel Octavian Nicolae and Mihail Minescu), „Gas of Romania - illustrated history” (Gheorghe Stanescu, Mihail Minescu and Catalin Nita). and „Romanian petroleum and natural gas - history in images” (Gheorghe Stanescu, Mihail Minescu, Dragos Gabriel Zisopol and Catalin Nita).
This paper promotes the idea of the necessity to relaunch the Romanian industry of petroleum and natural gas as part of the national energetic strategy.
The authors are grateful to all those who have contributed and will contribute to the development of the project entitled Romanian Petroleum and Natural Gas - a History in Images initiated by the Technical Sciences Academy of Romania, Section/Unit X - Petroleum, Mining and Geonomy Engineering and held under the aegis of the Science and Technology Committee of the Chamber of Deputies.
Dr. ing. Gheorghe STANESCU este absolvent al Universitatii Politehnica din Bucuresti. Are o bogata experienta practica in procesele de prelucrare a petrolului dar si in activitatea didactica si de cercetare din invatamantul superior, activand peste 13 ani ca profesor asociat la Universitatea „Ovidius” din Constanta.
A lucrat ca director general in Combinatul Petrochimic Navodari si apoi ca director executiv la Rompetrol Rafinare Petromidia S.A. Pasionat de istorie, este autor sau coautor a numeroase publicatii de specialitate.
PhD eng. Gheorghe STANESCU is an alumnus of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest. He has got a rich experience both in the processes of petroleum processing and in higher education teaching and research, working as an Associate Professor at „Ovidius” University of Constanta.
He worked as general manager in Navodari Petrochemical Factory and then as executive director at Rompetrol Refinery Petromidia S.A.
Passionate about history, he is the author and co-author of numerous publications in the field of his specialization.
Prof. univ. dr. habil. ing. Mihail MINESCU este specialist in utilaje petroliere si petrochimice destinate forajului, extractiei, transportului si depozitarii hidrocarburilor, cu o experienta didactica universitara si de cercetare de peste 40 de ani in cadrul Universitatii Petrol-Gaze din Ploiesti.
Este autor sau coautor a numeroase monografii, carti de specialitate, lucrari si articole stiintifice.
In prezent este vice-presedintele Sectiei X - Ingineria Petrolului, Minelor si Geonomiei a Academiei de Stiinte Tehnice din Romania.
Univ. prof. PhD habil. eng. Mihail MINESCU is an expert in petroleum and petrochemical equipment used in hydrocarbons` drilling, extraction, transport and storage, having an experience of more than 40 years in higher education teaching and research. He is the author and coauthor of numerous monographs, specialized books, scientific papers and articles. At present, he is the vice president of Section X - Petroleum, Mining and Geonomy Engineering, part of the Technical Sciences Academy of Romania.
Conf. univ. dr. ing. ec. Dragos Gabriel ZISOPOL este membru in Consiliul Facultatii de Inginerie Mecanica si Electrica din Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploiesti, unde isi desfasoara activitatea din anul 1992. Are o experienta de peste 30 de ani in invatamantul universitar si cercetarea din domeniul petrolului si gazelor naturale, materializata prin participarea la numeroase proiecte de cercetare-dezvoltare-inovare si prin publicarea ca autor sau coautor a mai multor carti si articole stiintifice.
In prezent este membru corespondent al Academiei de Stiinte Tehnice din Romania, Sectia X - Ingineria Petrolului, Minelor si Geonomiei si presedintele Comisiei pentru Stiinta si Tehnologie din Camera Deputatilor
Assoc, prof. PhD eng. ec. Dragos Gabriel ZISOPOL is a member of the Council of the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Faculty, at Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, where he has been carrying out his activities since 1992.
He has got an experience of more than 30 years in higher education teaching and research in the field of petroleum and natural gas, which resulted in numerous research-development-innovation projects, as well as in the publication of many books and scientific papers as an author or coauthor.
At present, he is an correspondent member of the Technical Sciences Academy of Romania, Section X - Petroleum, Mining and Geonomy Engineering, and the President of the Research and Technology Commission inside the Chamber of Deputies.
Ec. Catalin Razvan NITA este licentiat in informatica manageriala si absolvent al programului de masterat - Administrarea Afacerilor in Industria de Petrol si Gaze, la Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploiesti.
In prezent detine functia de Director Executiv al Federatiei Patronale Petrol si Gaze. Activitatea sa consta in consolidarea unei pozitii unitare in raport cu implementarea celor mai bune practici in domeniul pe care il reprezinta - energie, petrol, gaze si minerit energetic. Are o experienta de peste 10 de ani in administratie si managementul institutiilor publice. Este pasionat de istorie si in special de cea a industriei de petrol si gaze din Romania.
Catalin Razvan NITA, economist, has a BSc in Management Informatics and an MSc in Business Administration in Petroleum and Gas Industry, from Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti. At present, he is Executive Manager of the Oil and Gas Employers` Federation. His activity consists in the reinforcement of a unitary position as regards the implementation of the best practices in the sectors he represents, namely energy, petroleum, gas and energy mining. He has got an experience of more than 10 years in administration and the management of public institutions. He is passionate about history and particularly, the history of Romanian petroleum and gas industry.