Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing and Robotics

Autor: Theodor Borangiu (editor)
Editura: A.G.I.R.
Format: 16x24 cm
Nr. pagini: 240
Coperta: brosata
ISBN: 978-973-720-490-5
Anul aparitiei: 2013
Preprints of the International Workshop SOHOMA `13, June 20-22,2013, Valenciennes, France.
This volume gathers the peer reviewed papers which will be presented at the third edition of the International Workshop “Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-agent Manufacturing and Robotics - SOHOMA’13” organized on June 20-22, 2013 by the Centre of Research in Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Robotics - CIMR Bucharest, and hosted by the University of Valenciennes, France.
SOHOMA scientific events are organized in the framework of the European project no. 264207 ERRIC, the objective of which is to foster innovation in manufacturing control through intelligent IT and in this context to empower excellence in research at the faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science within the University Politehnica of Bucharest.
The book is structured in four parts, each one covering a specific research domain which represents a trend for modern manufacturing control: Distributed Intelligence and Product Driven Automation (Part 1), Holonic and Multi Agent Technologies for Manufacturing Control (Part 2), Service Oriented Enterprise Architectures (Part 3), and Robotics for Manufacturing and Services (Part 4).
These four evolution lines have in common concepts related to service orientation in a distributed planning and control agent-based industrial environment; today it is generally recognized that the Service Oriented Enterprise Architecture paradigm has been looked upon as a suitable and effective approach for industrial automation and manufacturing management and control.
Manufacturing systems are amongst the most complex and demanding artifacts in modern society but also amongst the most valuable ones. The challenges include coping with their heterogeneous nature and their on-line interactive nature in combination with competitive pressures. Off-line plans are known to become invalid within minutes after arriving on the factory floor. Therefore, researchers are looking into matching technologies which are able to answer these challenges. Holonic systems are, actually by definition, targeting such challenges. Agent technologies focus on interactive and decentralized aspects. In particular, developments aim to deliver open systems and system components, as well as infrastructure and infrastructural components rather than closed systems. This open nature implies that developments will not solve industrial problem on their own but rather contribute while avoiding the unnecessary constraining of an overall solution.
Technological advances in wireless sensor networks are enabling new levels of distributed intelligence in several forms such as active products that interact with the working environment and smart metering for monitoring the history of products over their entire life cycle and the behaviour of resources. These distributed intelligences offer new opportunities for developing techniques to reduce myopic decision making in manufacturing control systems thereby potentially enhancing their sustainability. Control architecture could itself switch modes of operation to adapt to severe disruptions. Manufacturing sustainability is addressed in this special issue with respect to: fault-tolerance to disturbances; energy efficiency at resource and shop floor level; balancing resource usage; cost efficiency and in line quality control of products. Innovative services will be enablers and drivers of growth of next generation of manufacturing enterprises that are competitive and sustainable.
Several frameworks are proposed for classifying, analysing initiatives and potentially developing distributed intelligent automation systems. These frameworks will be referred to in the book as the Distributed Intelligent Automation Systems Grid. In particular we are interested in systems in which the planning or execution of tasks normally associated with a centralized operational level are reassigned to be carried out instead by a number of units at a different level. Or conversely, a task normally using information from a single source makes use of data spread across a range of operations - and potentially a range of organisations.
The book defines and explains the main ways to implement intelligent products: by putting intelligence at the object (Intelligent Embedded Systems) or through the computing network (using Automatic Identification and Data Capture technology attached to the product to allow it to be identified by a computer system). These technologies enable the automated identification of objects, the collection of data about them, and the storage of that data directly into computer systems.
The service-oriented multi-agent systems (SoMAS) approach discussed in the book is characterized by the use of a set of distributed autonomous and cooperative agents (embedded in smart control components) that use the SOA principles, i.e. oriented by the offer and request of services, in order to fulfil industrial and production systems goals. This approach is different from the traditional Multi-agent Systems (MAS) mainly because agents are service-oriented, i.e. individual goals of agents may be complemented by services provided by other agents, and the internal functionalities of agents can be offered as services to others agents (note that these service-oriented agents do not only share services as their major form of communication, but also complement their own goals with different types of external provided services).
Special attention is paid in the book to the framework for manufacturing integration, which matches plant floor solutions with business systems and suppliers. This solution focuses on achieving flexibility by enabling a low coupling design of the entire enterprise system through leveraging of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Manufacturing Service Bus (MSB) as best practices.
The Manufacturing Service Bus (MSB) integration model described in some papers included in this volume is an adaptation of ESB for manufacturing enterprises and introduces the concept of bus communication for the manufacturing systems. The MSB acts as an intermediary (middle-man) for the data flows, assuring loose coupling between modules at shop floor level.
The book offers a new integrated vision combining complementary emergent technologies which allow reaching control structures with distributed intelligence supporting the enterprise integration (vertical and horizontal dimensions) and running in truly distributed and ubiquitous environments. Additionally, the enrichment of these distributed systems with mechanisms inspired by biology supports the dynamic structure reconfiguration, thus handling more effectively with condition changes and unexpected disturbances, and minimizing their effects. As an example, the integration of service-oriented principles with MAS allows to combine the best of the two worlds, and in this way to overcome some limitations associated to multi-agent systems, such as interoperability.
A brief description of the book chapters follows.
Part 1 reports recent advances and on-going research in sustainable manufacturing based on distributed approaches such as Holonic Manufacturing Execution Systems. Distributed intelligences offer new opportunities for developing techniques to reduce myopic decision making in manufacturing control systems thereby potentially enhancing their sustainability. There are contributions analysing the concept of Intelligent Product and related techniques for Product-driven Automation. The rapid development of this concept is mainly due to the fact that, over the last decade, the increasing growth of embedded technologies (e.g., RFID, smart cards, wireless communication), associated with the concepts of ambient intelligence and machine-to-machine intelligence, has allowed the development of products that are fully able to interact in an intelligent mode with their environment. Also, working on the closed-loop PLM (Product Life Cycle Management), interoperability and traceability topics leads to some relevant specifications that can be applied using an “intelligent product” approach, from the product`s design to its recycling.
Part 2 is devoted to Holonic and Multi-agent technologies for manufacturing control. The demand for large-scale systems running in complex and even chaotic environments requires the consideration of new paradigms and technologies that provide flexibility, robustness, agility and responsiveness. Holonic systems are, actually by definition, targeting challenges that include coping with the heterogeneous nature of industrial systems and their on-line interactive nature in combination with competitive pressures. Multi-agents systems is considered as a suitable approach to address these challenge by offering an alternative way to design control systems, based on the decentralization of control functions over distributed autonomous and cooperative entities. This part of the book gathers contributions on on-line simulation and on benchmarks aiming at delivering open systems which feature agility, optimization in hybrid structures, myopia decrease and robustness.
Part 3 approaches the trend of service orientation in the management and control of manufacturing processes. The service orientation is emerging at multiple organizational levels in enterprise business, and leverages technology in response to the growing need for greater business integration, flexibility and agility of manufacturing enterprises. Close related to IT infrastructures of Web Services, the Service Oriented Architecture represents a technical architecture, a business modelling concept, an integration source and a new way of viewing units of automation within the enterprise. Business and process information systems integration and interoperability at enterprise level are feasible by considering the customized product as "active controller" of the enterprise resources - thus providing consistency between the material and informational flows within the enterprise. Service orientation in the manufacturing domain is not limited to just Web services, or technology and technical infrastructure either; instead, it reflects a new way of thinking about processes that reinforce the value of commoditization, reuse, semantics and information, and create business value. The unifying approach of the contributions for this third part of the book relies on the methodology and practice of disaggregating siloed, tightly coupled business processes at manufacturing enterprise level into loosely coupled services and mapping them to IT services, sequencing, synchronizing and automating the execution of processes which encapsulate the software description of such complex business processes related to agile production by means of distributed information systems.
Part 4 reports advances in robot control and integration in manufacturing tasks and services. In order to adapt themselves to the environment and characteristics of material flows, robot systems are equipped with vision systems. Vision-guided robot motion using visual servoing methods provide best performances in the generation of accurate, task-oriented motion patterns. Integrating Visual Quality Control (VQC) services in the manufacturing environment is described as product traceability means. In the context of agent-based manufacturing reconfiguring, this section of the book also describes planning and tracking of cooperative activities in robot teams.
The service value creation model at enterprise level consists into using a Service Component Architecture (SCA) for business process applications, based on entities which handle (provide, ask for, monitor) services. In this componentization view, a service is a piece of software encapsulating the business / control logic or resource functionality of an entity that exhibits an individual competence and responds to a specific request to fulfil a local (product operation, verification) or global objective (batch production).
If SOA is the conceptual framework for service orientation of manufacturing enterprise processes, Service Oriented Computing (SOC) represents the methodology and implementing framework for embedded monitoring and control systems in Service Oriented Enterprise Architectures (SOEA).
All these aspects are treated in the present book, which we hope you will find useful reading.
Distributed Controllers for Managing CO2 Emissions in a Manufacturing Supply Chain - Seokgi Lee, Vittaldas Prabhu;
Smart services for public transportation: state of the art and perspectives - Joao Falcao e Cunha, Teresa Galvao;
The Role of Distributed Intelligence in Warehouse Management Systems - Wenrong Lu, Vaggelis Giannikas, Duncan McFarlane, James Hyde;
Towards an Ontology for Distributed Manufacturing Control - Theodor Borangiu, Silviu Raileanu, Stefan Radulescu;
Distributed Intelligent Real-Time Condition Monitoring and Recovery System for Sustainable Manufacturing Enterprises - Radu F. Babiceanu, Sobhi Mejjaouli;
Proposition of an analysis framework to describe the “Activeness” of a product during its life cycle Part I: Motivations and modelling - Yves Sallez;
Proposition of an analysis framework to describe the “Activeness” of a product during its life cycle Part II: Method and applications - Yves Sallez;
On The Team-based Goal-oriented Development for Holonic Manufacturing Systems - Gabriela Varvara;
Are Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Sustainable? - Andre Thomas, Damien Trentesaux;
An Extended Contract Net Protocol with Direct Negotiation of Managers - Doru Panescu, Carlos Pascal;
A Multi-agent Architecture for Compensating Unforeseen Failures on Field Control Level - Christoph Legat, Birgit Vogel-Heuser;
Supply Chain Management Using Multi Agent Systems in Agri-food Industry - El Yasmine Ait Si Larbi, Abdelghani Bekra, Damien Trentesaux, Bouziane Beldjilali;
Resource, Service and Product: Real-Time Monitoring Solution for Service Oriented Holonic Manufacturing Systems - Cristina Morariu, Octavian Morariu, Theodor Borangiu;
Product Specification in Service-Oriented Holonic Manufacturing Systems: Workflow Orchestration based on Petri-Nets - Francisco Gamboa Quintanilla, Olivier Cardin, Pierre Castagna;
Integrating Services and Agents for Control and Monitoring: A Smart Building Perspective - Monica Dragoicea, Monica Patrascu;
Integrating a Farm Management Information System within a Digital Business Ecosystem - Luiza-Elena Cojocaru, George Burlacu, Dan Popescu, Aurelian Mihai Stanescu;
Extraction of priority rules for Boolean induction in distributed manufacturing control - Nassima Aissani, Baghdad Atmani, Bouziane Beldjilali;
Vision-guided Robot Manipulation Predictive Control for Automating Manufacturing - Corneliu Lazar, Adrian Burlacu;
Integrating Visual Quality Control Services in Manufacturing Lines - Florin D. Anton, Silvia Anton, Theodor Borangiu;
Optimized Location Discovery Algorithm for Cooperative Activities of a Robot Team - Radu Dobrescu, Matei Dobrescu, Gheorghe Florea, Victor Purcarea;
A study of feasibility for a new exoskeleton for finger rehabilitation - Daniele Cafolla, Giuseppe Carbone;
Preliminary Program.
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